It may be March, but summer will be here before you know it. Coats, sweaters, and scarves will be gone, making way for shorts, halters, and swimsuits. And if you want to look your best when adding layers is unnecessary, it may be best to consider cosmetic help.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Amy Alderman offers body sculpting procedures designed to help a woman’s figure. From improving breast shape and location to making the tummy taut and tight, she has extensive experience assisting women who want to look their best. Here are her top five procedures to give you a fantastic, head-turning shape by summer.

1. Breast Augmentation

Is there anything more feminine on a woman than voluptuous breasts?  A breast augmentation will deliver breasts with increased volume and better symmetry. The operation will help clothing fit better and give any swimsuit that “wow” factor.

With several options available, Dr. Alderman’s breast augmentation is anything but a cookie-cutter procedure. It offers variety in implant type and size, plus incision location. It’s also versatile enough to combine with other procedures to make you look and feel like a million bucks.

2. Breast Lift

A breast lift deals more with breast position than size. It eliminates excess skin and reinforces breast tissue to elevate your breasts for that sexy upward curve. This procedure is beneficial for mothers who have suffered the effects of pregnancy, breastfeeding, or significant weight fluctuation. You can also opt to add implants or combine it with fat grafting for a breast lift with auto augmentation.

3. Tummy Tuck

After pregnancy, significant weight loss, or hormonal changes, a woman’s abdomen experiences tremendous change. Not only is there excess skin and fat to deal with, but the abdominal wall may also need repair. Abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck, reinforces underlying muscle and removes excess tissue and skin. Pairing it with liposuction provides optimal results, which include a taut tummy with smoother skin.

4. Monsplasty

Women often experience fullness in the small area between the lower abdomen and the vagina, making them self-conscious in intimate moments or while wearing flirty summer outfits. Monsplasty surgery aims to lift, tighten, and flatten this area to improve women’s confidence and help them enjoy summer activities in any clothing they choose.

5. CoolSculpting

For women who don’t like the idea of surgery but want to decrease fat pads that diet and exercise ignore, CoolSculpting offers an alternative. It literally freezes away pesky fat deposits in areas including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back, and upper arms.

Get Ready for Warmer Weather

To learn how Dr. Alderman can help improve your body contours and get you geared up for summer wear, start preparing today for when the weather turns warm.   

Starting the process is simple. Call us at 470-381-3615 to schedule a consultation or contact us online.