Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty – Cosmetic Eye Surgery in Atlanta

If your eyes always look tired regardless of how much sleep you’ve gotten, it may be time for blepharoplasty – cosmetic eyelid surgery that can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids or both. Some young people have under eye bags or overhanging upper eyelids due to genetics, but in most cases, these conditions develop as we age.
Dr. Amy Alderman and Dr. Joiner have performed countless blepharoplasties in Buckhead Atlanta, helping patients achieve a youthful facial aesthetic that conveys the appearance of energy and vitality.
Cosmetic Eye Surgery with Dr. Alderman
Dr. Alderman takes a very conservative approach to eyelid rejuvenation. We can all list some well-known actors and actresses that don’t look like themselves after their cosmetic eyelid surgery. That is not her goal for her patients! She wants to conservatively correct the anatomical aspects of the eye that are contributing to a tired appearance. After surgery, patients tell Dr. Alderman that their friends comment that they look less tired and more rested, but most importantly, they still look like themselves. This is especially important for men. An “overdone” eyelid surgery in a male does not create a masculine appearance.
Upper blepharoplasty can:
- Correct drooping eyelids
- Elevate the corners of the eyes
- Tighten lax skin on the upper eyelids
- Improve vision, if it has been impaired by overhanging eyelids
- Help you look younger and less tired
Lower blepharoplasty can:
- Eliminate bags under the eyes
- Improve undereye circles and tear troughs
- Correct drooping lower eyelids
Upper and lower blepharoplasty can often be performed simultaneously for an overall eye rejuvenation. Some patients opt to combine blepharoplasty with a facelift as well to address loose skin in multiple areas. Blepharoplasty is primarily for individuals who are unhappy with overhanging upper eyelids or under eye bags. If your eyelids impair your vision, your surgery might be covered by insurance, but please check with your carrier.
Request a Consultation
If you’re in the Atlanta area and have any questions about an Eyelid Lift or wish to schedule a consultation on an Eyelid Lift with Dr. Alderman, please contact our office.
Request a ConsultationWhat Can Blepharoplasty Do for Me?
In Dr. Alderman’s experience, patients start to initially show signs of facial aging in one of two areas: either the eyes or the neck. With her younger patients who are just starting to show eyelid aging, she uses neuromodulators such as BOTOX® or Dysport to help open their eyes and correct subtle signs of aging. However, at some point, the aging process progresses beyond non-surgical correction.
Ultimately, we perform the surgical correction at the point that BOTOX®/Dysport can’t help but before significant signs of aging occur so that there is not a dramatic change in the patient’s appearance. This is another reason why Dr. Alderman likes to perform patients’ BOTOX®/Dysport injections herself so that she can monitor patients’ aging process and make subtle corrections as needed.
Upper Blepharoplasty can:
- Correct drooping eyelids
- Elevate the corners of the eyes
- Tighten lax skin on the upper eyelids
- Improve vision, if it has been impaired by overhanging eyelids
- Help you look younger and less tired
Lower Blepharoplasty can:
- Eliminate bags under the eyes
- Improve undereye circles and tear troughs
- Correct drooping lower eyelids
This blepharoplasty procedure is highly customized for your goals and anatomy, taking around two hours to complete. An eye lift is recommended for patients whose eyelids droop and sag. This can make you look older than you actually are, obscure vision, and make it impossible to apply your favorite makeup.
Incisions are made in the natural crease of the upper eyelid where the scars will remain hidden. Excess fat and skin are removed, as necessary, and the eyelid muscle is lifted in some cases. This procedure allows your eyes to look more open but does not create an unnatural, surprised look. You will appear alert, energized, and youthful.
During lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made either along the lash line or on the underside of the lower eyelid where the scars will be hidden.
Excess fat is removed or repositioned to correct hollows under the eyes that contribute to dark circles. Treatment is designed to smooth the under eye area and eliminate puffy pouches of skin that make you look tired and aged. After you have completely healed from treatment, you will look rejuvenated and refreshed. Eye bags and puffiness can easily make you look older and continually tired, but a lower eyelift is the perfect way to create a fresh new appearance.
Meet Dr. Alderman
Dr. Amy Alderman is a nationally known, board-certified plastic surgeon located in Buckhead near Atlanta. As a female surgeon and mother of two children, she provides a unique perspective to patient care. Each surgical plan is individually tailored to each patient’s needs and lifestyles and is aimed at enhancing her patient’s natural beauty and restoring confidence. She is known for her personal approach to patient care and has unparalleled commitment to patient safety, which can be attributed to years of education, professional experience and involvement in national patient safety initiatives.
Meet Dr. AldermanWhat Can I Expect During Recovery from Blepharoplasty?
Upper or lower lid blepharoplasty is associated with minimal pain or discomfort. Dr. Alderman advises her patients to rest at home for about three days after surgery with cool compresses on their eyes just to minimize swelling and bruising, but most patients require minimal narcotic use after surgery. Sometimes the eyes can feel dry and scratchy, and she advises over-the-counter eye drops to add extra moisture to your eyes while your eyelids are healing.
We suggest that blepharoplasty patients take a week off from work. If your job is particularly strenuous, however, you may need to take more time off. Please refrain from strenuous exercise for about a month.
Cosmetic eyelid surgery is a same-day procedure; you can go home after your surgery is completed and you have spent a short time recovering in our office. You will not have bandages on your eyes, but your sight may be a bit blurry. It’s important to have a friend or loved one take you to and from your appointment.
We will provide you with eye drops to use as you heal, and you must refrain from wearing makeup and contact lenses for about a week. You will also want to keep reading to a minimum for the first few days. If your job requires reading and prolonged use of a computer screen, you may need to take more frequent breaks for the first week after you return to work.
All surgeries cause some bruising, swelling, and discomfort for a week or two. Oral medications can help you through this time. You may feel more comfortable sleeping on your back for the first week or so, and we recommend that you elevate your head to reduce swelling.
While your eyes will look better right away, the swelling will gradually reduce over the recovery period. Your result will become apparent and mature over time, leaving you looking and feeling your best.
Do your eyes look tired all the time? Call us today to schedule a consultation to find out more about cosmetic eyelid surgery in Atlanta, GA Dr. Alderman and Dr. Joiner.
View Gallery
Be sure to view our Before and After Photo Gallery of Eyelid Lift procedures to see real patient results at North Atlanta Plastic Surgery.
View GalleryDr. Alderman’s National Efforts on this Topic:
Chairperson for Aesthetica, a national aesthetic surgery meeting
American Society of Plastic Surgery Patient Safety Committee
Vice Chairperson, ASPS Education Aesthetic Council
Alderman, AK, Chung, KC. Discussion: A Systematic Review of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures after Facial Cosmetic Surgery and/or Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2009, 123:1828-9.
Pannucci, C, Alderman, AK. Venous Thromboembolism and the Aesthetic Surgery Patient. Essentials of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Alderman, AK, Kerrigan, CL, Lemaine, V, Pusic, AL, Vidal, DC. Evidence-Based Medicine &Health Services Research in Plastic Surgery. In Plastic Surgery 1st Edition
Alderman, AK, Chung, KC. Outcomes for Surgical Guidance in Plastic Surgery: Measuring Outcomes in Aesthetic Surgery. Clinics in of Plastic Surgery, 2013:297-304.
Alderman, AK, Kerrigan, CL, Lemaine, V, Pusic, AL, Vidal, DC. Evidence-Based Medicine &Health Services Research in Plastic Surgery. In Plastic Surgery 4th Edition
Blepharoplasty FAQs
Though no plastic surgery can halt the natural aging process, an eyelid lift offers long-lasting benefits. Your eyes will always look younger and more open than they would if you had not had this procedure.
There is no age restriction for eyelid surgery in adults, but the procedure benefits many middle-aged people. Our blepharoplasty patients are mostly people in their 40s, 50s, or older with concerns about sagging eyelid skin and prominent undereye bags. However, some patients who deal with puffy undereye lids at a young age are also excellent candidates.
It’s possible for Dr. Alderman to perform this procedure using twilight sedation with a local anesthetic. However, if you prefer to be fully unaware of this surgery taking place, you can request general anesthetic, which will put you under.
Because you will still be groggy from sedation and you may have temporary blurred vision from the operation, it will not be safe for you to drive. You should bring a responsible adult with you to the surgery center to take you home and help you around the house for at least 24 hours.
Your general appearance will be the same. You will only look younger and more alert. Your eyes will be brighter, with significantly reduced or eliminated undereye bags.
To keep swelling to a minimum, rest and sleep with your head propped up on two to three pillows for two weeks after surgery or as directed by Dr. Alderman.
It is normal to experience blurred vision approximately one week after surgery because of post-surgical swelling. If the swelling is significant and it lasts for several weeks afterward, call your surgeon or an ophthalmologist to have your vision checked.